Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to My Life.

I am known for starting something and never finishing it. For example, this blog. I created it last summer, and I have posted about three times. THREE. And my last post was in September...

So this year, I promised myself that I would try to post on this blog at least once a week. I think my problem last summer was that I had this unrealistic expectation that my blog would be an overnight sensation-- and when that didn't happen (c'mon Christina...), I sort of gave up on the idea of blogging. I thought I had to have something groundbreaking and deeply philosophical to write about. But as I thought about it, a blog is really just a diary on steroids. I can write about whatever I want! I received an American Girl diary when I was about 7 years old, and when I look back on it, I can't help but smile and laugh. I was ridiculous! 

Here are some pictures of my entires for your enjoyment: 

My first entry ever. 

The tragic moment when you think that you are the only girl who doesn't have a bra. LOL.

Who didn't love the Cheetah Girls 2?? Also, note my obsession with my new gel pens
(and the change in handwriting).

I officially became a teenager!

The rest of the entries after that were pretty much about boys, or boys, or boys. And maybe the occasional entry about my everyday life or a momentous event. I kept writing in this diary until March of 2012-- that's crazy to me! I am so glad I received this diary for Christmas in 2001-- whatever memories my brain forgot, this diary will NEVER forget. 

So that's my hope for this blog. I want it to be something that I enjoy writing ridiculous life events in, and I could care less who reads it. This blog is my personal diary, and I cannot wait to look back at it in a few years and laugh. 

Welcome to my life. 


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