Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What Makes Snow So Magical?

Today at school we are lucky enough to have a snow day. Unfortunately, it took the administration until about 9:10 AM to decide that the roads were unsafe-- by this time many people had already driven to their 8 AM classes and had their cars get stuck in many parking lots.

Anyways, I am currently sitting in my dorm basement looking out the window and watching the snow fall. Students all bundled up walk by as they return to their dorms, and many of them stop to take pictures of the beautiful scenes all around them (thankfully they can't see me watching them from the window).  But what I can't help thinking is that this "snow" is just white powdery stuff that is actually rather boring. Yet everyone (including myself) is thrilled by it! Why? Where did we learn to get so excited about snow?

Maybe we like it because it usually means school is cancelled or because it means that we get to stay in our pajamas all day and watch Netflix (HIMYM, anyone?). Perhaps you enjoy a delicious cup of hot chocolate on days like these. Or maybe you are that person who tries to convince all your friends to put clothes on and go sledding with you. Maybe you are like me, who is just happy that class is cancelled because she didn't finish her homework assignments.... :)

Whatever you plan on doing on this beautifully snowy day, I hope you stay safe (you probably shouldn't drive anywhere based off of all the pictures of people who are pushing their cars on my Twitter feed) and enjoy yourself.

(As I am writing this, the maintenance staff are trying to plow all this snow away, but it is falling quicker than they can plow... they should probably just go home!)

Stay warm,

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What I Learned: Last Night

Today I am starting a new "series" here on Blondie Says. Hopefully this will be a good way for me to keep track of all the little things (funny & serious) I have learned throughout the year, and give me something to look back on in December 2014!

This is what I learned last night:

I learned that team work and positivity can produce awesome results. 

I learned that social media is one of the most powerful tools of this generation.

I learned that, sometimes, getting ready is more fun than actually going out. 

I learned that borrowing a friend's clothes is always a good idea-- Jeanne's Closet is my favorite place to shop.

I learned that the McDonald's drive-thru only allows two orders per car.

I learned that fire alarms don't actually signal the Fire Department to come to your location (at least not the ones in Jeanne's apartment...).

I learned that it's always a good idea to have your toothbrush with you when going over to a friends house-- spontaneous sleepovers DO happen. 

And finally, I learned that staring out a window into the night sky is the best way to fall asleep. 

Until next time,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to My Life.

I am known for starting something and never finishing it. For example, this blog. I created it last summer, and I have posted about three times. THREE. And my last post was in September...

So this year, I promised myself that I would try to post on this blog at least once a week. I think my problem last summer was that I had this unrealistic expectation that my blog would be an overnight sensation-- and when that didn't happen (c'mon Christina...), I sort of gave up on the idea of blogging. I thought I had to have something groundbreaking and deeply philosophical to write about. But as I thought about it, a blog is really just a diary on steroids. I can write about whatever I want! I received an American Girl diary when I was about 7 years old, and when I look back on it, I can't help but smile and laugh. I was ridiculous! 

Here are some pictures of my entires for your enjoyment: 

My first entry ever. 

The tragic moment when you think that you are the only girl who doesn't have a bra. LOL.

Who didn't love the Cheetah Girls 2?? Also, note my obsession with my new gel pens
(and the change in handwriting).

I officially became a teenager!

The rest of the entries after that were pretty much about boys, or boys, or boys. And maybe the occasional entry about my everyday life or a momentous event. I kept writing in this diary until March of 2012-- that's crazy to me! I am so glad I received this diary for Christmas in 2001-- whatever memories my brain forgot, this diary will NEVER forget. 

So that's my hope for this blog. I want it to be something that I enjoy writing ridiculous life events in, and I could care less who reads it. This blog is my personal diary, and I cannot wait to look back at it in a few years and laugh. 

Welcome to my life. 
